Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dreams of Children

Drawing by Jordan

Children have much to tell us adults about our world.  They have dreams for a better world, a world where people get along with each other, a world where we appreciate and respect the natural world, and a world of opportunity for everyone.  

At least that seems to be the common theme in essays from third, fourth, and fifth graders from around the Minneapolis-St Paul area published in today’s Star Tribune.  My hope is that we adults can remember these dreams ourselves and make them a reality.  Some edited excerpts from their dreams for the future follow.   
People of all different cultures and religions come together creating a great collage of many colors.  Hope and fear is overcome by joy.  Collaboration is valued, and everyone is an equal contributor.  My children will be able to walk streets with no litter and play on grass that isn't sautéed in chemicals.  Winston

Remember to always help others out and don't be afraid to stand up for what's right.  Mackenzie

Start a new garden. Let's dig some dirt!  Cuyler

Everyone should love each other, and have a house, food, and water. Everyone should be kind to nature.  Ellen

Kids that have special needs will feel accepted. They are just like everybody else. They want to have fun, laugh and be included.  I am proud of who I am.  Sam

Live in community where kids ride bikes without worrying about anything dangerous happening.   Cut down on the use of electronics like TV, phones, computers and video games. This would get more people outside and meeting each other.  Chase

Share your hopes and dreams with others. By doing this we can work together to make our hopes and dreams come true.  Olivia
I want to know the people in my neighborhood. I want to meet new friends. Then I want to help each other.  I want my neighborhood not to be dangerous. Amy

My dream for my community is for there to be less pollution. I really want the environment to be a cleaner and safer place. I wish everybody would be happy and friendly to others and the environment. I also want our community to be more fun. Regan

People should start being more helpful for the planet and other people, too.   Live close to school, ride your bike not a car to school.  Simple things, like caring about other people's worries. You could even smile. That might make their day better.  Hannah

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